5Flow, marque commerciale du groupe SAS 5Team
14, rue de la Braquerie, 37270 Larçay
Numéro SIRET : 793 933 656 00019
Responsable publication : Eric Souchaud
Courriel : contact_siteweb@5team.fr
Hébergeur : OVH SAS
2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix
Fast moving companies requiered fast moving workflow

The smart solution, for your process, in the cloud
Cloud your process
- 5Flow Ecosystem From our workflow experience we have been designing some best practices to help start a new workflow
- Process exception management Instead of being blocked by a strict design, with 5Flow, you can keep control of the flow even if some instances have to be treated as an exception.
- Useful tool set embedded
our customers

5flow promises
5Flow can be used through VPN, hosted on dedicated cloud or even in your private cloud in your datacenter.
5Flow provide connectors (Web Service, FTP, Email ou SMS) to allow integration with your information systeme.
5Flow screens
planning, mapping, mail / SMS, mobility, connectors, docs... A lot of components for 5Flow.
- workflow
- Views
- Case
- tools
- Reports
- Specific Reports
Try 5Flow ?
In a couple of hours with our prototyping tool you will have a pattern of your workflow that will let you test your process on our cloud platform and without resources investment on your side.